Lyft: Drive Towards What Matters

Work when it works for you.

Give 170 rides in your first 30 days and you'll earn at least $2,000.

Apply to drive

- Keep your tips
You can earn tips from your riders, and you'll always keep 100% of them.

- Join a great community
From drivers to riders - the Lyft community is full of welcoming and friendly people.

Apply to drive

Limited time only. New drivers only. To qualify for the $2,000 earnings guarantee, you must complete 170 rides within the first 30 days of getting approved to drive with Lyft. Eligibility and approval to drive with Lyft is determined at the sole discretion of Lyft, and is not guaranteed. Duration of the driver application review may vary. Cannot be combined with other promotions. Subject to Lyft's Terms of Service.

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© 2023 Lyft, Inc.

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